Why I failed to apply graduate schools in 2020.When I was in the last year of my university, I was hesitating my future career. While most of my college friends was applying…Apr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
나는 왜 작년에 유학가는 것을 실패하였을까?2019년 다른 학교동기들이 건축회사에 지원을 할때 나는 같이 지원을 해야하나 고민을 하고 있었다. 하지만 결국 아무대책없이 지원하지 않았다. 유학을 간다는 어렴풋한 목표를 가지고 있었기 때문이었고 솔직히 나이라는 패널티 때문에 지원해도 합격하기…Apr 11, 2021Apr 11, 2021
Second DraftsMaking study groups for students is the best way to raise their interest in class. This is because it helps people to improve insight and…Dec 13, 20201Dec 13, 20201
#420People are required to give feedback to others (such as giving feedback on assignments that their classmate did or contribution that their…Dec 13, 20201Dec 13, 20201
#426For highs school students who are bored at learning in class, which of the following do you think is the most effective way that a teacher…Dec 12, 20201Dec 12, 20201
Writing # 191Topic: It is difficult for a teacher to be well-liked and effective in student’s learning.Dec 7, 20202Dec 7, 20202
Reviewclass Car { int x; int y; Car(int xStart, int yStart) { this.x = xStart; this.y = yStart; } void draw() { // rect(x position…Dec 2, 2020Dec 2, 2020
Getting Started, Object & DataI have finished the chapter named Getting StartedNov 29, 2020Nov 29, 2020